
Hello! If you are looking for new content on this site there isn’t any, and that is because I moved! My new site is happyworldwanderer.wordpress.comI Moved!.pngThe site is under construction as of 11.13.17 but will soon be up and running. Thank you!

Welcome friends, family, fellow travelers, and really cool people I’ve never even met. I’m glad we’ve found each other. This lovely site you’ve landed on is my blog. Here I write about all sorts of neat stuff; usually travel related, sometimes on recent events, or just my thoughts every now and then.

If you are a returning reader, here are my most recent post(s):

Italy: The Best Gelato of my Life

Stories of Kindness: Friends on the Tokyo Metro

Female Travel in Morocco

One Year of Travel

If not, read on….

Processed with VSCO with c1 presetMy name is Izabel, but most people call me Iz or Izzy. I’m 17 and since January 2016 I’ve been backpacking around the world with my really awesome family. Other than that, I’m a pretty average teenager. I usually spend my days writing, reading, learning, taking photos, hanging out with my sisters, making friends, and scrolling through text posts on Tumblr.

I have a fascination with the world and the cultures and people who inhabit it. You will often find me pouring over maps exploring far off cities and places and dreaming of the day my feet will finally reach them. And I really love food, especially Indian, but I’ll eat just about anything.

My dream is to keep traveling the world and fund my own exploration with English teaching jobs, writing gigs, or whatever else comes my way. (I freelance teach ESL and writing for kids, so if you are looking for a tutor I’m your girl: Contact/Hire Me ) If you want to read more about me, my family, and how we travel you can go to my about page or read my article in Travellist Magazine.

The fam bam. My parents and my three younger sisters: Kathryn (13), Lauren (12), and Rachael (10)

Where to go from here?

Wondering where to start? These are a few of my favorite and most read articles from the past year.

Darija Arabic Phrases to Use in Morocco


One Year of Travel!


Stories of Kindness: Friends on the Tokyo Metro

Stories of Kindness From Around the World: Friends on the Tokyo Metro

The Atlas Mountains of Morocco

Morocco, mountain travel

The Traveler, the Tourist and Finding Purpose

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Six Months of Full Time Travel!! – And Lessons Learned on The Road

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What’s in My Backpack – After 6 months of full-time travel


A Guide to Navigating A Thai Open Air Market

A vegetable vendor in northern Thailand sells an assortment of colorful greens, at an open air market

5 Reasons Why Penang, Malaysia is a Foodies Paradise


How to Save Money in Norway

Foraging in Norway, mushrooms in the forest

Malaysia First Impressions

Malaysia first Impressions. Petronas twin towers

What is Privilege?

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A day in Puerto Morelos


And the blog post I wrote a few days before leaving home: Life as I knew it


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